
When Genocide and War Crimes became a Badge of Pride

Human history is filled with war crimes and genocide of different scales and shades. Experts on Genocide have a personal favourite in debates on what qualifies as a Genocide. Does one go by numbers, intent or maybe both. They seem quite oblivious to the detached cruelty in their statements on genocide for it goes far beyond the numbers game. The stark dehumanization in the approach has them present it as concepts used in association with any hunt. This attitude towards the victim clearly demonstrates the ground rule - anything is permissible as long as the goal of annihilation is upheld, and its justification is grounded in shades of grey enough to deflect any accountability. No religion can today claim innocence from the violence that accompanies Holy Wars, Christianity, especially. Even though Christ spoke of love, peace and nonviolence, ardent Christians sought and embraced violence to assert their Faith. The only religion that may claim some limited innocence is Buddhism, though th

Israel returns 84 unidentified bodies to Gaza | Al Jazeera NewsFeed

Dehumanization does not happen in an instant, nor is it reactionary and isolated incidents. It is systematically planned as a strategy to achieve the goal of annihilation; it needs to permeate all aspects of being alive and there by engulfing all associations be it institutional, community based, formal, informal or even being invasive into abstract realities and association that make us human.  Israel has been planning systematically, ways and means of dehumanizing Palestinian, it is not a response after 7th October but has been going on from the time of birth of Israel, the difference is only in scale and speed of dehumanizing acts being carried out. While the western media and governments desperately try to rationalize the acts of Israel or indicate it to be a mistake, they are failing miserably as they know what they say is devoid of truth and rationality, and Israel continues in its journey of dehumanization as it competes with itself for mastering the skills. The way in which lov

New human rights report says Israeli prisons are ‘torture camps’ | Al Ja...

Stop the nonsense of Israel's Security and Israel's right, when an ordinary person murder's someone no one stands up and prevents justice from being ensured for the victim, yet all the West can think of is the rights of Israel as it murders, rapes, tortures ( at times Palestinians who have not been charged), the Israeli forces torture Palestinian so much that, it is a torture even to look at their victims. If Germans and US government can't get enough of Israeli Jews, please do take them to your country and let them create a small Israel and all of you can live happily there but expect the world not to raise their voice against the present-day Nazi is asking for too much.  Israeli Government and Israeli Society by and large are corrupting the human conscience for it is stretching the level of tolerance for dehumanization process to the extreme, it is worse than Hunger Games. Arab Nations, the Abraham Accords have been broken many times over, when the goal (peace in the

Arrest of Imam of Al Aqsa Mosque, in line with normalisation through Abraham Accords?

 Abraham accords for normalization of relationships with Arab Nations and assurance of respect for Israel's Sovereignty, but what about Palestinian rights and Palestine's Sovereignty? If the rights of Palestinians are irrelevant what is the relevance of Abraham Accords (for the region) which is based on creating a process to bring peace for which perceived need to highlight the commonalities, hence the name Abraham. Yet the strip of land Gaza where maximum prayers are said, where faith in God's decision is there on the lips of young and old, and yet Arab Nations believe like Israel that Palestine Sovereignty can be decided by normalization process.  How is that the Abraham accord is not void, when Israel has broken the terms of agreement with Arab Nations when it is slaughtering civilians in Palestine and showing scant respect for peace in the region. Israel cannot state legally that Hamas started the conflict, because it is occupying land of Palestine illegally and has bee

Killing Human Change Agents and Support for Resilience

The Girl is inconsolable she is crying for loss of a dear one, to the query about reason for her tears, she responds "Because Ismail al-Ghoul died (the Journalist who helped her with regard to cancer treatment was killed). Hala is four years old, and she was diagnosed with cancer last year. Her mother said they applied to many places but all in vain. Then Al Jazeera journalist Ismail al-Ghoul covered her story and brought attention to her plight. Ismail was killed on 31st July along with the Cameraman Ramy al-Rify, a targeted attack by Israel. When Israel says killing of Press personnel is a mistake, it is a lie; for killing of Reporters is part of plan to destroy human resource that can facilitate resilience in Palestinians, the present Prey of Israel.  While West may love all killings to be a mistake and the explanation be acceptable to the public but that would be expecting the entire population to suddenly take leave of their senses. Irrespective of controlled and tailored mad

He stands Tall, even in fatal fall- Hamas Political Leader Ismail Haniyeh!

Israel illegally occupied Palestine as its greed was not satiated by stealing Palestinian land and depopulating the area to be born, it was supported in its criminal plan by United States, Germany and others in the West. The support came direct in the form of military aid and diplomatic cover, the latter ensured crimes committed by Israel through the decades could never be questioned. For US and other countries in the West asserted Israel is a Democratic Country and its army a moral one. Other countries in the West supported it indirectly by never accepting the Resistance Group Hamas's Right to fight for its sovereignty and freedom from its belligerent occupying force, Israel.  It is this discriminatory attitude of the West that created Israel, the State, and the attitude got institutionalised in the process of international relations, within international institutions and even the ones that supposedly exist to stand for Human justice. It is this systematic institutionalization tha

Palestinian child killed by the Israeli air strike on girls’ school is m...

President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, please protect this light that exists even when Israel spreads darkness around.  If no one does, then this world does not Deserve to Exist. Human race does not deserve its breath. Children in Gaza are being resocialised to a life where fatality is every instance reality, where saying goodbye to your dear ones a possibility every single day as they go about adhering to Israeli dictates of staying in safe zones or evacuating to safe zones. A little one with tears streaming down says to the query Who is the martyr "My sister, Habiba Nabil Abu al-Amrin, followed by inconsolable sobs, she whispers through her tears " To God We belong and to Him we shall return"... We went to dad who is detained, Israelis detained him for over eight months,...My sister was riding on the carriage. She was hit by the airstrike, and she died. May God rest your soul, Habiba." Oh, Western leaders, pretty sure none of you can go through the torture the