Israel returns 84 unidentified bodies to Gaza | Al Jazeera NewsFeed

Dehumanization does not happen in an instant, nor is it reactionary and isolated incidents. It is systematically planned as a strategy to achieve the goal of annihilation; it needs to permeate all aspects of being alive and there by engulfing all associations be it institutional, community based, formal, informal or even being invasive into abstract realities and association that make us human. 

Israel has been planning systematically, ways and means of dehumanizing Palestinian, it is not a response after 7th October but has been going on from the time of birth of Israel, the difference is only in scale and speed of dehumanizing acts being carried out. While the western media and governments desperately try to rationalize the acts of Israel or indicate it to be a mistake, they are failing miserably as they know what they say is devoid of truth and rationality, and Israel continues in its journey of dehumanization as it competes with itself for mastering the skills.

The way in which loved ones are respected after they are no mores, end of life rituals is an integral part of being human. It is a process of catharsis, an opportunity to live through memories and associations, to wish and contribute towards journey after life in thought and prayers, a way to build emotions, associations and relationship across generations.  Israel as a society is tampering with all this, when it invades cemeteries, steals bodies, and returns them after the bodies have decomposed to extent it is difficult to recognize them or they have become skeletons.

The logic that Israel puts forwards for its action is a lie, it states it takes bodies to verify if some of them are hostages. As Israel takes these bodies before they are decomposed, it won't take months to make the identification. Even if DNA tests needed to be done, that would at the maximum days (2-3) and not weeks or months. 

The process of stealing the rights of Palestinians to bury their loved ones and see them for a last time, is a silent, brutal and dehumanisation at societal level.

United States, United Kingdom, Germany and all ardent supporters of Israel, you may see dehumanization as a process of victory over Palestinian, what you forget is that it strengthens resilience and most of all,
" When you dehumanize another, you change, for you dehumanize self too, in the process of dehumanizing the other"
