When Tech Decides to Silence, its complete Slavery, Yet West discerns only Antisemitism


Oh, Leaders of the West after World War II, you claimed that you had the vision for global freedom, equality, empowerment of the vulnerable, a system of Justice, a space for different ideologies, a move away from imperialism, a chance for world peace. But what you did not mention is that you had a rider within your global system, which ensured the yester year Imperial Powers will hold the reins for delivery of Justice and it would be selective at the best and towards this you placed graded structure of power so that final verdict of justice remained with a few in the Security Council. 

Those who entered your frame of reference beyond UN Charter were a few, the United Nations Single Convention for drug control came in handy, for that brought in many within your net. Interestingly you banned and criminalised cultural use and said you had the answers for a health living, but largely the delivery was on policing, criminalisation and drug trade detection. Slowly but systematically, you kept adding substances to be considered contraband some of them industrial items with many uses, and wanted a detailed information of its production, marketing, sale and almost demanded a power to decide what is legitimate and needed. Funny, decades went by almost all country became part of your drug control programme, and many went beyond your expectation, and thought capital punishment was the apt way for a drug free status.

Now, the time has come when cannabis is legal in many parts of the West and illegal in most countries that had traditional use, since the legality in West is far more for small scale personal use, it meant experimentation and creation of different cannabis products flourished, be it based on its potency, flavour, accentuation of a chemical over another. It meant soon, this could capture the market far more and interestingly there were reports of how Thailand a traditional place for cannabis, the local variety lost out to international variety in its local lanes during tourism period. Now, pharmaceutical companies have entered the game, and for reasons of logistics traditional mind-altering crops like poppy (opium) and coca will give way to synthetic drugs or others created within labs itself. It is time that brought these intricacies forward.

Yes, it is time that is bringing forth the injustice of what happens when the countries that perpetuate war crimes have a right over conceiving laws, setting in place institutional mechanisms for evaluation, creating, building and sustaining the narrative as to which country is just and which with terrorist instinct, ensuring the European Lineage finds a spot in the decision of War Crimes. This is clearly evident in case of international law regarding Genocide, which was conceived largely by individual with Jewish and European descent, which is itself fair as Jew did face atrocities no humans should. But the point is it was never conceived as way for justice for all, but justice of a specific community over others. 

If the law was conceived as a form of Justice for all, the first thing would have been not to have the dream of Israel enforced on an ethnic group, through war with goal of displacement, rape and murder for subjugation and yet none of the countries who are in position power thought of taking Israel to task but rather took their victims to task, took Palestinians to task and painted them a fiendish, violent population who the Arab and entire world disliked.  While there was all the provision to ensure security of occupying force in the International Humanitarian law, there was none to guarantee the safety and security of the occupied population, whose rights were abused on a daily basis by Israel, victims were largely at the mercy of occupying force with no mechanism in place to hold Israel accountable.  There was no one questioning Israel about its land grab, eviction of families in the middle of night, arrest of children in the dead of night, rape of girl arrested (this was hushed up even when US indicated the case was legitimate) a voice of protest against it led to the NGO being shut down as a terrorist organisation, torture of prisoners, the detention of many without being charged. The entire world narrative in spite of these war crimes was that a democratic nation Israel is struggling with its security and for which it had to rule over the Palestinians be it by occupying their land or controlling the mobility of Palestinian. Basically, a sanctioned system for enslaved population with no expiry period to cite of, even the Oslo Accords did disservice to Palestinians as they never mentioned any time period for Israel to quit Palestine or end occupation. Thus occupation, war crimes and systematic small-scale depopulation and land grab continued for decades, any critical reports produced by UN, or its counterparts were pushed under the carpet or those asked for justice were threatened, the recent threats got publicity but earlier nothing went beyond the closed circle of agencies.

After October attack on Israel, though it was a resistance group attacking an occupying force on a land where Palestinian also claim ownership over, but the turn of events led to many being killed. Though Israel ignored warning of an attack and also did not maintain the cameras meant to capture any compromise of security. October 7th gave Israel the freedom to ensure onslaught on entire Palestine, the West Justified it as right of Israel and its security. Not one of the great democracies acknowledged that Israel has been abusing sovereign rights of Palestine, torturing, murdering, raping and maiming Palestinians including children through the years prior to October 7th and they too have a right to justice.

Initially the inhuman act by Israel was silently watched by many expect for a few trying to throw light on the injustice by Israel through the decades, but with time though mainstream truth silenced the truth, social media offered a space for truth.

Through the social media and the sacrifice of many news reporters from Palestine, the truth about war crimes became known to entire world and Israel's Propaganda strategies took a back seat, for a while. Yes, for a while, after which antisemitism law signed by US Former President Donal Trump the first step to ensure global control by proxy began to take hold on what sites wanted to show on their platform. An interesting reality is that antisemitism is an open-ended concept whereby any act as perceived by the Jewish community can be considered a crime. Given the control of internet in the hands of few individuals and naturally because of personal realities seems to perceive Israel as Victim, though it has one of the powerful militaries in the global.  A natural consequence of this was internet became the playground for Israel narrative of justice and its might.

I have been part of LinkedIn and as wrote regularly on-line on the issue as (Molly Charles (PhD)) and have watched how individuals who wrote on atrocities against were either silenced or accounts disappeared without any explanation. I have had a similar experience, my account was blocked not by LinkedIn but I could not sign in, but first time got it back for a short while only to be lost again. Now, the only voices to be heard on LinkedIn are that of Israel supporters who see no issues with the war crimes, or they state everything is a lie. Strange online justice, if a person question's the validity of number of Jews killed in Genocide by Nazis, that query in itself is unpardonable, but Israeli and their supporters insult Palestinians, ridicule the numbers of Palestinians massacred by Israel that is fine, it is Just and a need of the hour. A stand supported by Meta and also by X (through the posts leniency shown towards one that are pro-Israel)

We are moving toward a Global System of Slavery when Internet was introduced it was done so with false claim of freedom of expression, now it is very clear from stand of Meta, X and others that irrespective of whether Israel commits war crimes or genocide, only Israeli lives matter, Palestinian are like fodder to be fed into Israel tech war machinery for raw data collection. Thereby ensuring even a genocide can be made profitable for years to come.

It is time the Member States of United Nations seriously thought about how far they want their sovereignty to be taken over by falsely worded concept of antisemitism. It is time to understand global governance cannot be at the mercy of Tech Corporate's whims and fancies. For this is a dangerous trend which can lead to global surveillance in the name of world peace, preventive targeted surveillance of persons of interest and most of all it can way to ensure apartheid system lasts for ever.

Molly Charles
