When American, Germans and others' sensitivity to Past erases the injustice of Present, inflicted by Israel on Palestinians
A Palestinian child holds tight, his father's shoes, for Israel has ensured that's all that remains for the boy to hold too. A video by Al -Jazeera. When Holocaust happened, it was left to human imagination to visualize the pain and trauma, it felt inhuman and surreal for many who were outside the European circle and had limited interaction with Jewish community. Now, when war crimes find a spot in most social media outlets, when mainstream media takes extra care to ensure the sensitivity of Israel and Israeli are not ruffled, voices from Palestine are silenced and even when heard it is against background of assertion of right of Israel to self-defence. As a person who has always stood for the rights of vulnerable groups, have a few questions to great democracies that sit and lecture to other countries on human rights, justice, equality and freedom. You never fail to see the Israel right to security and sovereignty, but you never say a word about Palestine's rig...