
Showing posts with the label abuse

When Genocide and War Crimes became a Badge of Pride

Human history is filled with war crimes and genocide of different scales and shades. Experts on Genocide have a personal favourite in debates on what qualifies as a Genocide. Does one go by numbers, intent or maybe both. They seem quite oblivious to the detached cruelty in their statements on genocide for it goes far beyond the numbers game. The stark dehumanization in the approach has them present it as concepts used in association with any hunt. This attitude towards the victim clearly demonstrates the ground rule - anything is permissible as long as the goal of annihilation is upheld, and its justification is grounded in shades of grey enough to deflect any accountability. No religion can today claim innocence from the violence that accompanies Holy Wars, Christianity, especially. Even though Christ spoke of love, peace and nonviolence, ardent Christians sought and embraced violence to assert their Faith. The only religion that may claim some limited innocence is Buddhism, though th...

A mother's farewell: Marwa Abu Zayda lost twin boys and her leg

My Perspective: Tic-Tak-Toe, who is there? The Genocidal Expert, with new entertainment for your audience. "Today, the entertainment is specific, it the detailed case study of a Palestinian woman as she faces trauma of tech based Military onslaught from Israel. Before you show it to your audience, don't forget to remind them that the production Tik-Tak-Toc is Directed and Co-Produced by United States of America and Israel for global Entertainment." This session comes with an intellectual exploratory task, as you watch the video, please do indicate how you think the acts of Israel explains the strengthening of raison d'etre of Germans, for this has been indicated to be crucial by German Political Leaders. The best response will win a price a visit to US to see the Statue of Liberty, this will give you an idea how illusions have been created historically to market Democracy as the best way to a life of equality and freedom.  May the Best Person win. Please don't for...